Pelican Products: Proudly Made in America

July 25, 2020

At Pelican, we strive to create durable, reliable products that last a lifetime, built by American workers. But you really can’t talk about Pelican’s American manufacturing without paying tribute to its late founder, David H. Parker. Pelican Products’ rise from a garage in Torrance, CA to a U.S.A.-based corporation that sells products to professionals around the globe is the result of his vision and hard work. Although the first product Mr. Parker invented was a small marker buoy used to pinpoint the location of submerged divers, it was a first aid kit designed specifically for divers that really put him on the map. When customers started repurposing the waterproof, crushproof and dustproof cases to store other items, Mr. Parker saw an opportunity to expand his product selection. It wasn’t long before he tapped into emerging plastics engineering to make a line of durable equipment protection cases that could be used for a wide range of purposes.

Listed below are just a few of the reasons that producing many of our products in America leads to direct and indirect benefits for our company and our customers:

  • Better Quality Control: U.S. based manufacturing allows Pelican to maintain the stringent quality that our users have come to rely on to excel in the harshest environments known to man. We use onsite testing facilities daily to ensure that our products meet and exceed the most stringent quality standards available – including MIL-SPEC and STANAG. Tests include submersion, impact/drops, heat and cold. In addition, our manufacturing operation maintains an annual ISO 9001:2015 certification through the International Organization for Standardization. This certifies that our production team continues to practice consistence across all facets of the manufacturing process.
  • Quicker Delivery: When products are made in America, the result is faster delivery times.
  • Responsive Customer Service: While other companies outsource their customer service, Pelican maintains customer service in both Torrance, CA and South Deerfield, MA for help with orders in almost real-time.
  • More Jobs and a Stronger Economy: Buying American-made goods doesn’t just support the workers who make those goods, but it causes ripples throughout the entire economy. When American factories prosper, they hire American construction firms to expand their buildings, American accounting firms to handle their money, and American energy suppliers to provide them with power. The EPI estimates that every U.S. manufacturing job supports an additional 1.4 jobs in other parts of the economy.
  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Products made overseas have a higher carbon footprint than U.S.-made goods. Goods made in China or India have to be shipped across the ocean to reach American stores, burning fossil fuel and emitting greenhouse gases with every mile traveled.
  • Less Pollution: Many developing countries have few or no regulations to protect the quality of the air and water in the surrounding area. By choosing to produce in America, where these regulations are set in place, we support these communities and the environment as a whole.

But it’s not just about the WHAT we manufacture, it’s the HOW. That’s why Pelican Products has pushed for a holistic approach to our corporate culture and manufacturing practices. For our company, this means corporate dedication to Sustainability, Product Design, Operations, Safety, Ethics, Quality and Philanthropy. We have taken significant steps to enhance our sustainability practices and policies, and are working diligently to do more. Here are just a few of our favorite products that are Made in the USA:

Pelican™ Elite Coolers: Manufactured in Torrance, California
Pelican™ Storm Cases: Manufactured in South Deerfield, Massachusetts
Pelican™ Air Cases: Manufactured in Torrance, California
Pelican™ Protector Cases: Manufactured in Torrance, California
Pelican™ Custom Cases: Manufactured in South Deerfield, Massachusetts
Pelican™ Mobile Military Cases: Manufactured in South Deerfield, Massachusetts

We are compelled to take this opportunity to also thank our customers, because without their dedication to quality and demand for products that are made right here in America, we wouldn’t be celebrating over 40+ years producing products that are Built to Protect.
