; Send Us Your Product Idea | Peli

Send Us Your Product Idea

Share your product ideas with us - please direct all other ideas and inquiries (product information, marketing, etc) to our Sales / General Inquiries section. Review our disclaimer and policy on Intellectual Property Rights here.


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In compliance with Article 13 of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we hereby inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and objection by sending an e-mail to info@peli.com whenever you may desire and that your access data will be stored as long as you do not tell us otherwise. We also inform you that you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you think that your rights have been violated.

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Policy on Ideas Submitted by Persons Outside the Company

(Rev. 01 Sept 2018)

SUBMITTING YOUR IDEA - Peli Products SLU located at Carrer de Provença, 388, 08025 Barcelona, Spain and its affiliated companies (hereafter the “Company”, “we”, “us”), frequently receive ideas or inventions from people who are not our employees. Submissions by employees are governed by existing Company policies; employees should consult with their local Human Resources representatives for details on these policies. Since we are always searching for ways to improve our operations and our services to the public, we are glad to consider these ideas, but only if they are submitted in accordance with our established procedure, outlined below, which protects both the submitter of the idea and the Company. Here, then, is what you should do to submit your idea under this Policy.

Any technical idea that you submit for consideration should be proprietary to you, and preferably, should be the subject of a patent, a patent application and/or copyright protection. By submitting something to us without identifying a patent number or patent application number, you are acknowledging that your idea is not proprietary. Do not submit any material which you consider confidential or trade secret information as the Company will not and does not agree to maintain the confidentiality or secrecy of any idea submissions. By submitting your material, you acknowledge that it contains no such confidential or trade secret material.

AGREEMENT - After you have read this Policy, read the enclosed Idea Submission Agreement found at this link. [** Insert link to Idea Submission Agreement. **] If that Agreement is acceptable to you, please provide the information required in connection with your submission (including contact details, description of your idea, details of any relevant patents or application for patents) and return it to us with your submission materials, using this link or to the address in the paragraph one above. You must be at least 18 years of age and legally competent to agree to the enclosed Idea Submission Agreement and to submit any idea under this Policy. By entering into the Idea Submission Agreement, you represent, warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and that all information provided is true and accurate. You will be solely and entirely responsible for this representation. We will not review or retain any submission materials received, unless the submission materials are submitted in accordance with this Policy and with a completed Idea Submission Agreement. No ideas will be reviewed by telephone, email or text message. The Company will not consider any ideas or suggestions for advertising, marketing campaigns, slogans, logos, brands, trademarks or similar items.

OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU - In our search for improvements in all our operations, we carry on a very substantial research program. It is quite possible, for that reason, that your idea may already be known to us or available to us from someone else. Ordinarily the information we develop is kept secret until we are ready to make a public disclosure, usually after we have patent protection. Therefore, it is quite possible, without you being aware of it, that your idea is already known to us or available to us from someone else. We also have free access to much information from sources such as expired patents, publications, and products sold or used publicly. We cannot, then, agree to treat your idea as secret or confidential. If we did, it might prevent us effectively using information available to us and our competitors from other sources. For this reason, no confidential relationship will be established, either expressly or by implication, between you and the Company.

PROTECTION - We are interested in helpful ideas or inventions that have been patented or are patentable. When we spend time or money developing something, we do not want it copied by our competitors. Since we cannot assume any obligation regarding the reception, retention, and consideration of an idea from outside the Company, it is important for you to protect your idea before you formally submit it to us. Patent registration provides the preferred method of protection.

HOW TO SUBMIT AN IDEA - Here are the three best ways to submit an idea to us

  1. as a patent with a completed Idea Submission Agreement;
  2. as an application for a patent, which has been filed in the relevant Patent Office (you may send a copy of the application, but omit the claims, date, and serial number) with a completed Idea Submission Agreement; or
  3. as a written description including a sketch or drawing, when appropriate which has been signed, dated, and witnessed by someone who has read and understood your description, with a completed Idea Submission Agreement. Since we cannot agree to return or safeguard any material, we suggest that you keep the original and send us a copy.

Ideas may be submitted by following the link here or in written form to Insert Peli contact, at the address in paragraph one above.

IF WE ARE INTERESTED - Whether your idea will eventually be used depends on a great many factors, among them how practical it is, what possible markets exist, and whether it can be adapted to our operation. Until we have made a complete investigation and entered into a written contract with you, we can assume no obligation of confidence, and we can pay no compensation whatsoever. If your idea interests us, we may negotiate for the purchase of, or rights under, your patents covering the idea. Such an attempt to reach an agreement will not, however, impose any obligation on either party. Should there be a misunderstanding before you sign a written contract, you will derive protection for your interests solely from remedies existing under such relevant patent legislation as in force from time to time in your country of residence.

IF WE ARE NOT INTERESTED - If we decide, after reviewing your idea, that we are not interested, we will endeavor to let you know as soon as possible. However, the Company has no obligation to review your idea or respond to your submission. Please remember, though, that our decision is based on factors that often include proprietary information about our company. We cannot, then, agree in advance to give you specific reasons for our decision.

Thank you for thinking of us and good luck with your idea!

I agree to the policy


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